Thursday, May 30, 2013

Word Link For the Day

Here is a delightful link I recently came across:

18 obsolete words, which never should have gone out of style

Love them all, but I was particularly tickled by the mental picture I got of "groak" and the ideas of "tyromancy." And "Englishable." So good. I also geekily loved the names of the books they got these words from. I would totally be proud to be the author of a dialect and speech book.

One thing I thought was missing from this list, however, was sample sentences. But maybe that's what we're here for. I'll try a couple and then you join in, if you want.

Groak: To silently watch someone while they are eating, hoping to be invited to join them 
As I wiped the ketchup from my mouth, I looked up to see her groaking at me with eyes as big as hamburger buns.

Tyromancy: Divining by the coagulation of cheese 
A believer in tyromancy, the old crone considered the curdles, gasped, and then shrieked, "You are the harbinger of death!"

Now that's some good writing.

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