Thursday, May 23, 2013

Harry Potter News: How did I miss this?

I don't know where I've been, but for all you Harry Potter fans, I'm sharing this lovely little link to an interview J.K. Rowling did a few years ago (that I only found out about recently) about what she thinks happened after the epilogue. So fun to see how she thought our old friends ended up.

Then I saw this link from NPR the other day about J.K. Rowling telling Harry Potter back stories — and that's when I knew I needed to post about Harry. There are more details when you click on the link above and when you click on "interactive project" below (which I confusingly got from the first link), but I loved these tidbits they included:

"An interactive project at The Guardian lets you scroll through the annotations online. Among other revelations, the notes on a first edition of Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stoneshow that the original Hufflepuff mascot was a bear, not a badger, and that Quidditch was invented 'in a small hotel in Manchester after a row with my then boyfriend.'"

Also, p.s., I love Book News from NPR. The end.

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