Thursday, November 22, 2012


Thanksgiving is not known for its amazing children's books. And I'm probably going to be too busy eating my weight in my mother's rolls to do anything about it, but if I have a minute, I may pull out this one-and-only classic from my childhood.

A very unusual holiday story, but you might say it's the perfect bridge between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Because witches celebrate too.

Do you have any Thanksgiving favorites I just don't know about?


  1. I love The Perfect Thanksgiving by Eileen Spinelli (Jerry Spinelli's wife). Pretty funny stuff. Lindsey (formerly a Morello)

  2. Thanks Lindsey! I will have to check it out.

  3. AAH! i loved that book!! (fried feathers) it would have laid (lain??) buried under my subconscious for all eternity if i hadn't seen this. Oh man, i want it.
