Thursday, November 29, 2012

Some Thoughts About Words

  1. Someone told me long ago that foreign speakers always seem to think English has an overabundance of S sounds. When I think of that while speaking, I get kind of self-conscious . . . I mean anxious . . . I mean painfully aware. There, no S's. 
  2. If I were to ask you what the most beautiful word in the English language is, what would you say? Another someone told me long ago that it was thought to be "murmur." I never really learned or could figure out why. Probably because it doesn't have any S's. Do you agree with their selection?
  3. On the other hand, I saw this on the Merriam-Webster site the other day and was totally delighted: A top 10 list of Funny-Sounding and Interesting Words. I loved the sound of #1, but I was won over by the fact that #7, "widdershins," used to mean a bad hair day. Let's bring it back!

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