Friday, February 3, 2012

On writing a book: Part 5 or whatever number I'm on

[Pretend that you just asked, "How's your book coming?"]

Well, I'm so glad you asked! Here's what I've been doing, since my birthday deadline, in my make-it-up-as-I-go-along journey to write a novel:
  • realizing how underdeveloped the book was
  • and thereby dreaming up another couple of storylines almost involuntarily (Brains are weird—blessings and curses, if you ask me. Sometimes mine totally comes through with some pretty ingenious ideas, and other times I stare at the screen and the best it can come up with is to drool.)
  • filling in necessary holes
  • adding detail and fleshing out scenes since I'm a pretty simple, barebones kind of writer in the beginning stages (Apparently. This was new to me.)
  • changing a character's name (This was weird. It was just never sitting well with me and so it needed to be changed. I have found that when I need to come up with a name for a character, what I pick almost invariably sounds weird to me for about a week or so. It sounds trite and fake and totally made up, which, of course, it was. But then I get over it and they start to sound like real people (or at least real characters), but this one was not doing it, so it had to go.)
  • studying up on querying, which is the next step I will take when I have a solid manuscript ready to put out there.

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